
There is more to flying than just happy thoughts!

So last night was our first preview. Which means today it is currently 11:30am, and I have not left my bed. I confess, the first hour of my morning bedtime routine was taken up by watching Glee. Yes, I am that gay.

So anyway.. lets see.. last time I wrote I think we were just getting ready to tech the show.  Normally I have a very love/hate relationship with technical rehearsals. Mainly because either A) the director changes their mind multiple times (usually after you finished writing a complicated cue which makes said cue redundant) or B) people do stupid things because they aren't thinking fast enough for something to happen. Luckily, this show has already been running for quite some time, and the entire cast knows what is coming up, so really it was just getting the deck crew into comfort with the show.  Saturday and sunday were a blur of the show, and nothing too spectacular happened. Suffice it to say, the crew rocked the shit out of that show, and we made do with 2 days of technical rehearsals (to get the deck crew up to speed with the show) before we entered our first preview.

Which was last night! Yesterday ended up being quite a long day, with crew call at 8am, and I believe we ended up at the bar around 9pm.  The preview went very well, as far as I could tell.  The most enjoyable part of the entire show for me is when I am 'flying' John to Neverland (It really isn't that 'magical' ... its a little box with a joystick. HA Take that, Disney!) and the entire audience erupted in applause only a couple seconds into the flight. That was the highlight.

For this week, it is now a lighter work load... so I have to be in at 3:30 today to get the stage ready, then tomorrow (Barring any unforeseen things coming up tonight) will be another later call.. unfortunately, since I have been designated as the resident monkey, friday morning I will be going up to the high part of the tent around 8am to do some recircuiting work. That was partly my decision to stay out of the air towards the afternoon when it gets too hot. Plus I would then be able to lay in the sun for the afternoon and shower before preview :)

Speaking of the sun and afternoon, we actually had a day off! Surprising, I know.  Monday was our day off this week, and I ended up spending it with some of the cast (who I am making a concerted effort to get to know.. I love them!) at the beach. We woke up and drove to some random part of Newport Beach.  The temperature onsite reached 117 (I believe) but we were nice and relaxed out by the ocean. It was absolutely wonderful to run out into the water when you got too hot, not to mention watching all the little surfers...yummy.

After the beach, we went back to one of the apartment complexes that cast/crew are living in (we are a tad spread out) and we had a BBQ/pool party, which ended up with all of us drinking on the patio.

Now I am off to jump in the shower, swing by starbucks and head in to work. I have to say, I enjoy life in SoCal.

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